Condensed milk/ caramel ICE CREAM.........................YUM ! !

Condensed milk/ caramel ICE CREAM.........................YUM ! !

380 ml Condensed Milk (boil for 1-2 hrs)
2 cups full cream milk
1 cup cream
1/8 vanilla extract
1/2 bar dark chocolate

Step 1:

- Boil the condensed milk for one or two hours
This will allow the condensed milk
to lose water and start
to turn to caramel.

Step 2:

- Bring the milk and cream to
a boil over medium heat. As it starts to boil
remove from heat and
whisk in the vanilla
and the condensed milk.

Step 3:

- Place a metal bowl over
ice to quick chill.

- Stir continuously

Step 4:

- Put in the freezer
and stir as often as possible.
(This is of course, if you dont have a ice cream maker)

Your delicious ice cream should be ready in a
couple hours- it just needs to freeze now....

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