Tasty Pumkin and celeriac soup !

Its summer at the moment here in S.A.
but this delicious recipe
looked too scrumptious to
not be kept in the cookbook
for a rainy day...

  • 400 gr celeriac, chopped in squares
  • 400 gr butternut squash, chopped in squares
  • 1 shalot, chopped
  • butter
  • 800 ml vegetable stock
  • 2 slices of old bread
  • garden cress
  • pepper, salt
  • oil

Start by cleaning the celeriac and squash. 
In a large saucepan melt some butter 
and add the chopped onion. 
Let it fry until the onion is soft but not brown. 
Ad the pumpkin and squash and fry for a minute or two 
before adding the vegetable stock. 
Don’t add it all at the same time. 
I added about 500 ml to begin with but once the veggies get cooked and you have an idea 
of the thickness of the soup 
you can add more stock if needed. 

Once the vegetables are soft puree them either in a blender and add seasoning where you want.
Cut the bread into small cubes 
and fry them in oil in a frying pan. 

Once golden drain on kitchen paper. Put the soup in a bowl and add croutons and garden cress on top.

Enjoy on a cold, lazy day !

... x x x ...


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